Because He is the One to still care about you when everyone else has left you. Even though you may have betrayed Him many times (to the point that you can no longer bear yourself) He is the One to still care about you- always.
Because His icon is the sweetest image.There is nothing that doesn't pacify when you look into His eyes.In His eyes there is hope.
Because His acts (when on Earth) were the most revolutionary, innovative and brave acts ever done.They always teach, they always have something new to tell, no matter how many times you read about them.
Because He leaves you the freedom to consciously choose Him. To see your life, with or without Him.And to choose.
Because if you look closer and carefully, you ll see that He has actually bailed you out many times- even if you don't want to admit it.He always tries to bail you out -you don't want to admit it.
Because He is the One to trust.People say they don't trust anyone.But in reality they do.Trust is an energy and has to go somewhere. They do put their trust somewhere, but they don't know where. They secretly trust their governments-although they may criticize them. They put their trust to their relatives-athough they criticize their traits.Despite having been betrayed again and again, they keep on placing their trust in all the wrong places.Yet it is very simple.Jesus is the One to trust to take you to the best place for you and make you the best person for you.
Because His help is the only effective help.When all else fails, He is the One who succeeds in clearing the mess.
Because He is the only force that can withstand the darkness of our world today. Humans by themselves, we can do little. But His, is the only power that can overcome that amount of darkness.
Because He still holds out all the love for us, no matter how intricate our needs or how far we have come from Him.He still holds out all the love for us.
Because myriads of saints, ascets, monks across the ages, who achieved miraculous heights of spiritual manifestation, have also believed in Him and declared Him as the Truth.They can't have been all wrong!
Because He Answers all the hard questions about life, death, connection and disconnection, meaning, self sufficiency and interdependence, all the tough questions of life, He is the One to convincingly answer them all.
Because in Him, you find the loved ones you lost.Those deceased can find you through Him.
Because in every love that is real between two people, there is always His spark in between. He knows what to do to keep that love alive forever.He knows what to do to help you find each other again.
Because in His love, you start feeling real and alive again.The moment you ve been waiting: "When is life going to start?" This is the moment. Reversely, you can't really feel truly alive, unless you start opening your heart to His love.This is when life starts...
Because He is always there, always waiting... to the point of taking Him for granted.At the back of your mind you reckon that you can play hard to get and He'll still be there. Well actually yes, He can't forget about you, no matter what you do. But what you don't realize is that it is you the one who really suffers when you are away from Him.
Because He is the way to be in this world. So often when you wonder 'what am I doing here? What am I to do? How am to pass the day?', He is the answer needed. You devote the day to Him and then the day passes with fulfilment and meaning. He knows what it is to be in a body, He's been there.He can help you be there too.
Because whenever a relationship is strained, whatever that relationship is, ask Jesus to come in between the other person and you.This mediation transforms the relationship.It dampens the strong emotions.It brings fairness.It protects.He's the best mediator to bring the light of truth of the purpose of the relationship.
Because Jesus is very relevant in our everyday practical life.He is not for another remote Universe or another realm. He is for the here and now.Find Him. Through icons, through reading, through chanting, whatever the means, find Him.We need Him more than ever.
Because His love has the sweet, tender, peaceful feeling.It is not obsessive, straining or upsetting in any way. It unconditional and does not demand anything back.Not asking a sacrifice of you,but giving you a gift.
Because He will accept you at whatever place you are. Even at the place where you think that one thousand times you have lost all hope and betrayed Him beyond all correction, He 'll start with you at that point and pick you up from that place. He doesn't expect you to improve to find you.
Because He is humble. He brings the simplest humility in an era where all that matters is being better than someone else.
Because He is the companionship, constant, non failing, non betraying.Just a little opening is necessary to start feeling His presence, which is the most fulfilling love there is. Calm.Uncomplicated.
Because whatever the myriad of things said about Him, the myriad things written, whatever the countless associations and boxes we places Him in, His experience always remains new, real, as if only just discovered.Always new and very personal.
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