Nothing is ever lost in God's mind.In His sense, there is no loss.There is the bittersweet recognition of someone dear not being visible again, but the person is not lost and the love is not lost either. Only the temporary form of the relationship changes. When threre is the heartfelt understanding that this is how things should be, this is how God arranged it, in the least -not the most, but the least- painful way, then there is a kind of peace in reposing the memory of the person in God's hands and that one day some, way you' ll meet again and all will be well Until then, the caring and the love of God that keeps all things safe is visible surrounding us in each and every moment.Rest in this presence.In nature, in the sky, in the wind. everywhere.All is as it should be and the temporary separation does nothing more than to strengthen the divine love, God's love, which is the only love there is and all other loves are born of this love...This spiritual love, formless, unatrached,is the everpresent consolation to everything...
Prekate Viktoria, 20/10/2020
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