As a psychologist, specializing in domestic abuse, I have long been studying the dynamics that keep women trapped in abusive/ dishonouring relationships. More and more, it seems to me that sexual desire plays a more important role than once thought.It is the attachment many women have to the intense energy interchange during intercourse and a hidden cultural idea that the value of a woman depends upon her desirability by men.Once, it was the marital status that was interpreted to give women value, but nowadays, through a distorted turn of the sexual revolution, it is the number of partners a woman had or the intensity/frequency of the sexual experience by one desired partner. I was surprised to find that it the role of emotional and attachment needs is lesser than thought, but it is actually the sexual experience, the pleasure as an escape mechanism and the misplaced value upon it. Sometimes there doesn't even have to be a physical experience in itself but the fantasy of one. Whether the fantasy is about getting 'divine' sex from multiple partners or an ideal fantasy partner, it is a hidden expectation of an exalted sexual fulfilment that keeps many women attached to inappropriate relationships or the pursuit thereof. Unfortunately, young women take it for granted that there has to be a two or three figure number of sexual partners for any kind of worth to be given to their lives, without realising the huge expenditure of psychic energy that goes with every sexual encounter, not protectively coated with love and respect.
Through a combination of media brainwashing, the elusive play of hormones and the emptiness of a spiritually void life, many women stay stuck for decades in the pursuit of some mystical sexual fulfilment that would somehow validate their spirit and their existence. It is a mistaken belief that disempowers women and makes them lose their true direction and purpose. It pushes them to projecting outwards a hysterical version of femininity, while overlooking the more subtle, kinder aspects of true womanhood. It is a more peaceful, more gentle, more encompassing energy that brings true femininity to the world through women, rather than the sole purpose of igniting sexual desire. Once women find this gentler, kinder energy, one that honors them as souls on Earth first (rather than sexual women first), then they can feel truly fulfilled to share love and bring their true feminine qualities forward. The sexual feminity doesn't have to monopolize their existence.They become more empowered.They become more whole.